Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Double Page Spread Draft.

This was the original idea for my double page spread.

Contents Page Draft.

This was the original idea for my contents page.

Front Cover Draft.

This was the original idea for my magazine front cover.

Original Images.

I chose to use this for the featured part of my contents page because it fits very nicely on to A4 and it shows the rebellious nature of the band by having a cigarette in his ear.

I chose to use this image as my front cover because it was the most central portrait image and I felt the relaxed poses of the subjects reflected the feel I wanted to give to my magazine.

I chose to use this image for my double page spread because I felt that having the far right subject on the right page would look a bit more interesting rather than three on one page, also again, the posture and poses of the subjects reflect a cool collective nature.