Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Music Magazine LIIAR Breif

The language relates to a number of elements, camera angle, camera position, camera distance, it also relates to what is placed in and around the magazine, the splash, masthead, kicker, plug etc... the house style of the magazine is also very important, if for example a magazine has a specific colour scheme, it would usually stick to that scheme because the readers can easily recognise the magazine in a shop. These are all important and make up the magazine, helping it to appeal to readers.

Institution refers to the publisher of the magazine, for example "Metal Hammer" is published by "Future PLC" this is known as a publishing house which creates as many magazines in as many genres to appeal to multiple audiences, this generates more income for the company.

Ideology refers to the values of the company or the morals that they wish to follow, the company will try to keep to these standards in order to keep readers happy. The morals of "Future PLC" for example, are to know the interests of their audience and to design magazines to a quality standard.

Audience refers to the people who the magazine is aimed at, this can relate to age, gender, social class or interests etc... 'metal hammer" for example would be aimed at people around 16-25, majority a male audience, and people who enjoy metal music.

Representation refers to what the music magazine is trying to put across to the audience, this is mainly portrayed on the front cover of a music magazine, if for example, Cheryl Cole was on the front cover of a magazine, we know that the particular issue of the magazine will be aimed at people who enjoy pop music and are interested in Cheryl Cole, the front cover usually represents what will be on the double page spread inside the magazine.

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