Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Friday 22 October 2010

Evaluation of my College Magazine.

My college magazine, 'Wyke College Mag', is designed in order to represent Wyke college in a positive, relaxed setting, I did this because it represents how college life at Wyke really is. I used a medium close-up shot so the reader can see the emotion of the subjects face, but also have a good look at the surroundings. I placed my subject infront of a window in order for me to use a catch line 'the window to your future', this is effective because it shows that wyke will guide you to your future. I made the Wyke logo look like the actual Wyke sign, this way it looks more authentic. I used a 'funky' style font for the catch line and the 'college mag' this way it makes the magazine look more attractive. I used the words 'get the inside scoop' to attract the audience to read on into the magazine. I also used some story headlines that would be in the actual magazine if I were to make it, this way it looks authentic and would give the reader an insight as to what's in the magazine. I changed the colour of my subjects folder from green to purple, I did this because the defining colour of Wyke, this also makes the magazine colour coded with a range of purple elements on the page, it maches with the logo, the catch line, and the bullet points for the headlines. When I chose the photo I did so because my subject was in the right place, she was slightly to the right so I could have room on the left hand side for the information of the magazine.

The producer of the magazine is me, it is created by students, for students, but also for parents and teachers of the students, it informs the readers about upcoming information and events, it would also contain images of the college etc...

The ideology behind my magazine is to inform and educate the students, it also promotes the morals and beliefs of Wyke college, the magazine would lay down the rules in order to get the message to the students and parents.

The traget audience for my magazine would be anyone who attends the college, students and teachers, but also parents, the audience could range anywhere from 16 plus, however the mainstream target audience would be 16-20 years olds.

My magazine represents the people who attend Wyke college, the college itself and the college ethos, it is represented in a positive way with the natural light of the photo, the bright colours and the relaxed pose on my subjects face.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Final Magazine Cover.

This is my final magazine cover.

Final Contents Page.

This is my final contents page, I chose this because it's a simple layout, and would show two images of a decent size, meaning people would be able to look at what's going on in the image.

Review of college magazine: GX magazine

I am going to be reviewing the GX magazine, which is from the Grimsby college.
You can find the full magazine here:

Firstly, when looking at the front cover we notice instantly the blue, brick background, this is effective because it catches the audiences eyes, and makes you have a look. Another thing that we notice is the subjects on the cover are in a cartoon style, this is also effective as not many magazines use this, so again it attracts people to have a look at the magazine. The logo itself is very large and stands out in bold white against the neon blue background. However, from looking at the logo you wouldn't really be able to tell who made the magazine or who and what the magazine is about. The two subjects look calm and relaxed which could signify that the college life is calm and relaxed too.

The producer of the magazine is probably students or teachers at Grimsby college, that way they would know what's going on around that college. The aim of the magazine is to educate and inform the students, teachers and possibly parents of the students who attend the college.

The aim of this magazine will be students and teachers who attend the college and the range would probably be anywhere from 16 upwards, however, the mainstream target audience would be 16-20 year olds.

The magazine gives a link to the grimsby college website, this is another simple tactic to get people interested, which means they don't even have to buy the magazine in order to get more information. Also the sub headings work well, they're simple and easy to read, it uses a rhetorical question to get the reader to think and gives us some good information about whats in the magazine. There are two small pictures in the bottom right which don't really signify anything. At the very bottom it states "The word on the street", this could signify that the magazine has all the information needed.

Overall, the magazine takes advantage of good text and colour contrast and uses a number of techniques to attract the readers attention, as well as being a simple smart looking magazine.

Contents Page Plans.

These are the contents page drafts I came up with, I experimented with a variety of layouts to see which would be best suited to my college magazine.

This is the layout I chose.

I didn't choose this because it seems a bit crammed with text and images.

I didn't choose this layout because it would suit a more artistic magazine.


I didn't choose this contents page layout because it wouldn't have much room for text.

Editing the chosen photo.

This is the original photo I took for my magazine.

This is an edited version...

As you can see, I edited the window frame as the original dark grey colour was too dar for the logo, at this point I had began changing the colour of the folder, added a catchy sub-heading, a teaser line "Get the inside scoop..." and the hints for the contents of the magazine.

This is the finished version...

Not much has changed from the first edited photo, but I finished changing the colour of the folder and added purple bullet points in order to colour code the magazine, the purple represents the Wyke colour.

College Magazine Photo Ideas.

When thinking about what photo I should take for my college magazine, I considered a few things. Firstly, I knew I wanted to take my photo outside, the natural light really works well when taking photo's and provides a sharp, crisp image, secondly, I wanted my model to strike a relaxed pose, this would signify that Wyke college is relaxed...

Photo's I took.
I decided not to use this photo because the background is separated down the middle by the wall change.

I decided no to use this photo because it was a bit too far out to be a mid-close up shot, but also because the subject is centred and I planned the text to go on the left side which requires the subject further to the right.

I didn't use this photo because the subjects pose seems rather excited and un-relaxed.

This is the photo I chose to use, I did this because the subject is slightly to the right, giving space to put text on the left hand side, the subjects pose is relaxed, this was the photo I had in mind.

Friday 15 October 2010

College Magazine Review: Lewisham College. Issue 2, 2010.

I will be reviewing the Lewisham College Magazine...

You may view the magazine here:

Firstly, when looking at the front cover of the magazine we notice the masthead of the magazine, it is placed in the top left hand corner of the cover, this is known as the Golden Triangle the title is of a large font and in bold white, this stands out against the dull background and works well. We also notice a large medium close-up shot of a young male in a football kit holding a football, we can also see, in large bold text it states 'Dallas Cup 2010', from the front cover we can see that the main focus of this magazine is the topic of football. Look towards the bottom of the cover we notice a sub-heading 'Plus:' and a range of further sub-headings, this gives us an insight into the contents of the magazine. I also noticed when looking at the front cover, the image is taken in a mirror, this could signify that the magazine gives us "both sides of the story".

The target audience of the magazine is firstly the students who attend the college so they can be updated with the college news such as; important events, or any notices. The magazine could also be targeted at people who don't attend the college and parents of the students, however the mainstream audience for this magazine would be 16-20 year olds.

The magazine is created by the students, for the students with the intensions of informing and entertaining. The front cover gives us information about whats in the magazine, this is useful because it allows us to see what is inside without opening the magazine. The ideology behind the magazine is to get students or non-students who read the magazine to be interested in college and come there to study.

From the front cover, we can't really see much of the college and we don't really know what the student is there for, we are lead to assume he is taking part in a football match or is training, this would suggest to people that the college is mainly about sport. Moreover, the image on the cover could have been taken in or around the college, this would let people see the college and would promote it to people who don't attend. The posture of the young man on the cover shows he is proud of something, this could be seen as being proud of his college.

Overall, The college cover has both bad and good points, it mainly works well in informing people of what's in the magazine and is easy to read, the image has a lot of purposes and boasts the football team, a variety of techniques have been used and they work well.

Friday 8 October 2010

LIIAR- Brief

Language- Language refers to 'media language', media language is a variety of elements including; editing, camera angles, special effects, titles, photography, in magazines we use photography for pictures and the front cover. Mastheads are usually placed at the top left of the cover of the magazine and specific subject titles are usually at the top of each page. Special effects are used for such things as titles and pictures, for example; phtoshop edits and specific fonts for titles. Camera angles are used in a variety of ways, for example, a low angle pointed at someone can be interpreted as making the subject look large and dominant. Editing is used in a variety of ways almost everything in a magazine has been edited at some point, pictures and text is all edited to improve the look. The language used in a college magazine would include allof the above.

Institution-Institution refers to the producer of the magazine, the producer controls what goes into the magazine before being produced, the producer affects the magazine because if a piece of text or a picture is deemed innapropriate by the producer, it can be removed. This affects the final product because the original ideas for the magazine can be changed. The production of a college magazine like mine will include educational information and information about what is happening in the college.

Ideology-Ideology refers to the ideas and beliefs, it also refers to the morals and values based around the magazine. The purpose of ideology behind a college magazine is to get the college students interested and persuade them to read the magazine.

Audience-Audience refers to who will be targeted to read the magazine, when creating a magazine usually a specific target audience is chosen and the information in the magazine will be directed at this specific audience. The target audience for a college magazine would be students and also teachers who attend the college.

Representation-Representation refers to who, what and where the product is representing. Magazines represent many people and products, and also represent many places, this means that the magazine publisher needs to be specific, in the case of a college magazine, it will represent the college itself and the students and teachers who attend the college. The college magazine should also promote the college rather than deterring readers.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

College Magazine Task Brief

We were set the task of creating a the front page and contents page of a college style magazine. The front page of the magazine has to include a headline story, masthead and a picture planned and taken by ourselves, the picture has to be mid-close up, the purpose of the magazine is to appeal to a college audience. This was a practise magazine in preparation for the music magazine we are to produce.