Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Friday 22 October 2010

Evaluation of my College Magazine.

My college magazine, 'Wyke College Mag', is designed in order to represent Wyke college in a positive, relaxed setting, I did this because it represents how college life at Wyke really is. I used a medium close-up shot so the reader can see the emotion of the subjects face, but also have a good look at the surroundings. I placed my subject infront of a window in order for me to use a catch line 'the window to your future', this is effective because it shows that wyke will guide you to your future. I made the Wyke logo look like the actual Wyke sign, this way it looks more authentic. I used a 'funky' style font for the catch line and the 'college mag' this way it makes the magazine look more attractive. I used the words 'get the inside scoop' to attract the audience to read on into the magazine. I also used some story headlines that would be in the actual magazine if I were to make it, this way it looks authentic and would give the reader an insight as to what's in the magazine. I changed the colour of my subjects folder from green to purple, I did this because the defining colour of Wyke, this also makes the magazine colour coded with a range of purple elements on the page, it maches with the logo, the catch line, and the bullet points for the headlines. When I chose the photo I did so because my subject was in the right place, she was slightly to the right so I could have room on the left hand side for the information of the magazine.

The producer of the magazine is me, it is created by students, for students, but also for parents and teachers of the students, it informs the readers about upcoming information and events, it would also contain images of the college etc...

The ideology behind my magazine is to inform and educate the students, it also promotes the morals and beliefs of Wyke college, the magazine would lay down the rules in order to get the message to the students and parents.

The traget audience for my magazine would be anyone who attends the college, students and teachers, but also parents, the audience could range anywhere from 16 plus, however the mainstream target audience would be 16-20 years olds.

My magazine represents the people who attend Wyke college, the college itself and the college ethos, it is represented in a positive way with the natural light of the photo, the bright colours and the relaxed pose on my subjects face.

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