Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Thursday 21 October 2010

Review of college magazine: GX magazine

I am going to be reviewing the GX magazine, which is from the Grimsby college.
You can find the full magazine here:

Firstly, when looking at the front cover we notice instantly the blue, brick background, this is effective because it catches the audiences eyes, and makes you have a look. Another thing that we notice is the subjects on the cover are in a cartoon style, this is also effective as not many magazines use this, so again it attracts people to have a look at the magazine. The logo itself is very large and stands out in bold white against the neon blue background. However, from looking at the logo you wouldn't really be able to tell who made the magazine or who and what the magazine is about. The two subjects look calm and relaxed which could signify that the college life is calm and relaxed too.

The producer of the magazine is probably students or teachers at Grimsby college, that way they would know what's going on around that college. The aim of the magazine is to educate and inform the students, teachers and possibly parents of the students who attend the college.

The aim of this magazine will be students and teachers who attend the college and the range would probably be anywhere from 16 upwards, however, the mainstream target audience would be 16-20 year olds.

The magazine gives a link to the grimsby college website, this is another simple tactic to get people interested, which means they don't even have to buy the magazine in order to get more information. Also the sub headings work well, they're simple and easy to read, it uses a rhetorical question to get the reader to think and gives us some good information about whats in the magazine. There are two small pictures in the bottom right which don't really signify anything. At the very bottom it states "The word on the street", this could signify that the magazine has all the information needed.

Overall, the magazine takes advantage of good text and colour contrast and uses a number of techniques to attract the readers attention, as well as being a simple smart looking magazine.

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