Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Friday 15 October 2010

College Magazine Review: Lewisham College. Issue 2, 2010.

I will be reviewing the Lewisham College Magazine...

You may view the magazine here:

Firstly, when looking at the front cover of the magazine we notice the masthead of the magazine, it is placed in the top left hand corner of the cover, this is known as the Golden Triangle the title is of a large font and in bold white, this stands out against the dull background and works well. We also notice a large medium close-up shot of a young male in a football kit holding a football, we can also see, in large bold text it states 'Dallas Cup 2010', from the front cover we can see that the main focus of this magazine is the topic of football. Look towards the bottom of the cover we notice a sub-heading 'Plus:' and a range of further sub-headings, this gives us an insight into the contents of the magazine. I also noticed when looking at the front cover, the image is taken in a mirror, this could signify that the magazine gives us "both sides of the story".

The target audience of the magazine is firstly the students who attend the college so they can be updated with the college news such as; important events, or any notices. The magazine could also be targeted at people who don't attend the college and parents of the students, however the mainstream audience for this magazine would be 16-20 year olds.

The magazine is created by the students, for the students with the intensions of informing and entertaining. The front cover gives us information about whats in the magazine, this is useful because it allows us to see what is inside without opening the magazine. The ideology behind the magazine is to get students or non-students who read the magazine to be interested in college and come there to study.

From the front cover, we can't really see much of the college and we don't really know what the student is there for, we are lead to assume he is taking part in a football match or is training, this would suggest to people that the college is mainly about sport. Moreover, the image on the cover could have been taken in or around the college, this would let people see the college and would promote it to people who don't attend. The posture of the young man on the cover shows he is proud of something, this could be seen as being proud of his college.

Overall, The college cover has both bad and good points, it mainly works well in informing people of what's in the magazine and is easy to read, the image has a lot of purposes and boasts the football team, a variety of techniques have been used and they work well.

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