Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Friday 8 October 2010

LIIAR- Brief

Language- Language refers to 'media language', media language is a variety of elements including; editing, camera angles, special effects, titles, photography, in magazines we use photography for pictures and the front cover. Mastheads are usually placed at the top left of the cover of the magazine and specific subject titles are usually at the top of each page. Special effects are used for such things as titles and pictures, for example; phtoshop edits and specific fonts for titles. Camera angles are used in a variety of ways, for example, a low angle pointed at someone can be interpreted as making the subject look large and dominant. Editing is used in a variety of ways almost everything in a magazine has been edited at some point, pictures and text is all edited to improve the look. The language used in a college magazine would include allof the above.

Institution-Institution refers to the producer of the magazine, the producer controls what goes into the magazine before being produced, the producer affects the magazine because if a piece of text or a picture is deemed innapropriate by the producer, it can be removed. This affects the final product because the original ideas for the magazine can be changed. The production of a college magazine like mine will include educational information and information about what is happening in the college.

Ideology-Ideology refers to the ideas and beliefs, it also refers to the morals and values based around the magazine. The purpose of ideology behind a college magazine is to get the college students interested and persuade them to read the magazine.

Audience-Audience refers to who will be targeted to read the magazine, when creating a magazine usually a specific target audience is chosen and the information in the magazine will be directed at this specific audience. The target audience for a college magazine would be students and also teachers who attend the college.

Representation-Representation refers to who, what and where the product is representing. Magazines represent many people and products, and also represent many places, this means that the magazine publisher needs to be specific, in the case of a college magazine, it will represent the college itself and the students and teachers who attend the college. The college magazine should also promote the college rather than deterring readers.

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