Is my magazine consistent throughout?

Do you think my magazine is suitable for the chosen genre?

Thursday 21 October 2010

College Magazine Photo Ideas.

When thinking about what photo I should take for my college magazine, I considered a few things. Firstly, I knew I wanted to take my photo outside, the natural light really works well when taking photo's and provides a sharp, crisp image, secondly, I wanted my model to strike a relaxed pose, this would signify that Wyke college is relaxed...

Photo's I took.
I decided not to use this photo because the background is separated down the middle by the wall change.

I decided no to use this photo because it was a bit too far out to be a mid-close up shot, but also because the subject is centred and I planned the text to go on the left side which requires the subject further to the right.

I didn't use this photo because the subjects pose seems rather excited and un-relaxed.

This is the photo I chose to use, I did this because the subject is slightly to the right, giving space to put text on the left hand side, the subjects pose is relaxed, this was the photo I had in mind.

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